1. cmd 실행
2. ADB 폴더 이동
3. 아래 명령어 실행
4. adb devices
5. adb shell settings put system csc_pref_camera_forced_shuttersound_key 0
참고 사항
adb devices 명령실행시 연결디바이스 확인
"스마트폰에 USB 디버깅을 허용하시겠습니까?" 메시지 창 나오면 허용.
[개발자 옵션] 켜고
[USB 디버깅 모드] 켜기
1. SetEdit(Setting Database Editor)앱 다운로드
SetEdit (Settings Database Editor) - Google Play 앱
WARNING -- We do not guarantee that problems caused by the improper use of this utility can be fixed, and we are unable to help you with any such problems. We support only this app, not your device's system software. Settings Database Editor (SetEdit) is i
2. "csc_prof_camera_forced_shuttersound_key" "1" 검색
3. Edit Value 선택
4. 숫자 1을 0으로 변경하고 Save Changes
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